Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center is the best place in Southern California to be evaluated for a Post-Polio Syndrome diagnosis. Once you are diagnosed you can get continued care from other physicians and physical therapists trained in polio. If you are in an HMO you will probably have to fight hard and long to get the HMO to refer you to Rancho. It is worth the fight! Remember, if the HMO cannot provide you with polio trained physicians and therapists capable of making a PPS diagnosis they have to send you to medical professionals who can. Make the argument that Rancho has proven itself to be up to the task. Why should the HMO send you to physicians and therapists who have no track record in diagnosing PPS? Going to Rancho will save the HMO money in the long run!
NOTE: If you are with Kaiser you should ask that Dr. Christine Phan make the PPS diagnosis. (see below)
Stewart Shanfiled MD – Orthopedist— Trained at Ranch Los Amigos in care of polio survivorsSimpson, Julie Neuro Outpatient Rehab,
Susan Perlman MD – UCLA – Neurology, limited PPS clinic- consults on PPS referrals
Stephen Waldman MD – Neurology – Very knowlegeable in PPS – works well with Dr. Shanfield
Theodore Teacher MD – Neurology- Has given good care to polio survivors
Christine Phan – Physiatrist-Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Kaiser Permanente -Listed in Post-polio Health Interntional Directory- (562) 657-2418
Calvin Okey – Ostopathic Medicine- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Kaiser Permanente – Good with PPS patients- (714) 748-7622
Guillermo Fredrickson RRT – Dept Administrator, Neuromuscular Respiratory Program – Neurology – (619) 516-6514, 4405 Vandever Ave, San Diego, CA 93120
Philip Gold MD – Pulmnologist – Excellent PPS care
Steven Leven MD – Pulmnologist- Great PPS patient reviews
Loren Rojek CPO – Orthotist- Experienced with making braces and other orthotics for polio surviovors
Rod Cuervo CPO– Orthotist- Experienced with making braces and other orthotics for polio surviovors
Kevin Carey CPO– Orthotist- Experienced with making braces and other orthotics for polio surviovors
Julie Simpson-Physical Therapist- Neuro Outpatient Rehab-St.Jude Centers for Rehab and Wellness 578-8706 ext. 2347
Laurie Morris- Physical Therapist-Neuro Outpatient Rehab- St. Jude Rehab-Centers for Rehab and Wellness-578-8720 ext. 2346