We will post any changes.
Obviously none of us should be leaving our homes for anything that is not absolutely necessary. So, we will resume our informal get togethers when COVID 19 has gone away.
Please stay safe and in phone contact with relatives and friends!
In February our small “intimate” lunch let us get to know each other better and we shared quite a bit of valuable information on primary care docs, physiatrists (Physical Med and Rehab docs), brace makers and much more. We looked back to high cholesterol southern foods we some of us ate when we were young. We talked about our struggles with retiring with pps as well as learning second languages. Our conversations flowed naturally. Time flew and we were quick to plan and secure the private room right on the spot for March 28th, 2020. Marie Callendar’s, 13252 Brookhurst St.
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Mark your calendar for SUNDAY MAY 17th. Doctor Perlman will come back to the Villa Park City Council Chamber at 2pm.
We will gather at Marie Calendars
Saturday February 8th 2-4 pm
Marie Calendars 13252 Brookhurst
Garden Grove CA 92843
Restaurant phone number is 714-537-0801
Get a snack, late lunch, or early dinner, something to drink and catch up with people who keep up with PPS and care about you!
Michelle Stone of HICAP is making a special effort to speak to our group on Saturday November 9th 2pm to 4pm. See Meetings. Even if you think you know all you need to know, you may not! Also you can help family. neighbors and friends by getting up to date with Medicare. And, added to that, you get to visit with other survivors.
Baldwin Keenan
Editor of PPSGofOC Newsletter until grandchildren got in the way.