Please bring your questions written down. Of course, something Dr. Perlman says may spark a question also. Write out these questions as well, Our preparation usually makes it possible for her to answer all of us.
Please come early so that we can get everyone situated on time. We value every minute she has for us!
Dear Co-Survivors,
It makes me sad to inform you that I will no longer be editing the newsletter after our November 2018 issue. It has been a labor of love. I hope that someone volunteers to take my place. Our grandchildren live away, and Roni and I have made it a priority to be part of their lives.
For the foreseeable future I will still be able to prepare Post Card and Email Meeting Notices. I plan to maintain our database and to coordinate with the Rancho group. Hopefully, I will keep updating the WEBSITE, which has steadily drawn new readers. I want to remind you that Post Polio International provides a top notch mailed quarterly newsletter, with up-to-date information and advice for only $30 per year. Past issues are free at Call 314-534-0475 to subscribe. (M-F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Central Time) or subscribe at
Forever bonded,
Baldwin Keenan
Our September 8th meeting will be led by Orva Sodman and Aleta Connolly. They have years of experience in living with the aftermath of Polio. Little things make a big difference.
The fires going right now bring home the need for each of us to take personal responsibility to register with our City of the County if we need special evacuation help. Do each of us have the Red Cross emphasized TO GO KIT?
Please see BIG MAP ON PAGE 1 of July 2018 Newsletter.
We are now meeting at the Newland Street Church of Christ, 13852 Newland Street, Garden Grove CA, 92844. Please see page 1 of our July 2018 Newsletter for a BIG MAP.
We have had all three recently. The 5000 homes that burnt to the ground in Santa Rosa were in terrain similar to most of urban Southern California. One change in wind direction could have brought the Anaheim Hills fires racing into Tustin. A fire in one neighborhood would have generated internal wind and a rolling firestorm that could have leaped into Irvine and Santa Ana. And we all know that it is only a matter of time before a large quake hits. All it will take is a huge downpour in a short period of time and our drainage system will be overrun, even in “flat” terrain. Fire, flood, or earthquake could knock out electricity, clean water, and natural gas supply.
Come and get the latest information on disaster preparation March 10th from Jerry Couchman. He is a volunteer educator for the Red Cross. He also volunteers for firewatch in on Orange County. As a career carpenter he is very knowledgeable about road, building and housing construction. Also, he has first hand experience of the needs of the disabled through work on volunteer projects for clients of the Dayle McIntosh Center, and being the son of, until recently, a once very independent woman now in her late 90s.
Are you registered with your city/county for special assistance with first responders?
Do you have a list of your medications and physicians in your wallet/purse and in a prominent place in your home?
Do you have proper disaster supplies?
Do you have plan for extended blackout, no clean water, or natural gas?
Do you have a disaster communication network to neighbors, friends, and family?
Most of us cannot say yes to all of these questions. Jerry will motivate us and give us the information and do the preparation we need to be able to answer YES to each.